Friday, June 17, 2011

Thank God it's Friday!!!

I say that because Macy's is going to have a super sale this weekend I have, for all intense and purposes, made it through day two.  I have only spent ten dollars, five of which selflessly went towards a father's day card. 

I had it again, that urge to shop.  I grappled with my desire as I weaved through the traffic ridden streets of LA, losing a little more of my sanity each time an elderly person passed me...them walking and me driving?!?!?!   Only in LA is that normal.  As I passed my normal haunts, I turned on the turn signal.  The sound of the blinker akin to the beating heart in that Poe-m that is so famous.  As I pulled over it was as if the world wanted me to succeed on my quest for financial independence.  I look up and see that because of the lovely and omnipresent LA traffic, the street, and thus the available parking, becomes an anti-gridlock zone at some point.  My first attempt thwarted, I head towards the gym.  Yep, I work out occasionally!  Anyways, I keep driving at a crawl and somehow make it to my destination.  Unfortunately, my gym has an all-too conveniently located boutique I went in.  I didn't do this for myself, oh no, again selfless me did this because I felt sorry for the shop girl.  She looked so lonely, as if no one had come into the store all day!  So I went in and shopped.  As I gather up my loot - a purse, a shirt, and a third pair of the same workout pants (may I add the only workout pants I have ever liked) and head for the register.  This is where technology swooped in and saved the day.  Oh blackberry, how I do love you...sometimes!  It turns out that my earlier "shopping spree" had depleted the funds in my checking account so much so that my debit card balance was dangerously close to zero.  Thank you BofA for letting my know...but why did the pants have to be punished :( .  So no purchases to add to the wopping ten dollars that put me over the edge.  I am proud of me!  Yay me!

As I headed home, I felt something quite delightful, the sense of accomplishment that comes from saying no to something - a foreign state for me, but nonetheless delightful.  I could have pulled out the trusty credit card, but I made a vow, I issued a challenge, and I am going to try my best to see it through!

In case you are wondering, this is me :)  I will post photos soon.

I have been reading a lot of literature articles yahoo finance articles about how to get out of debt; therefore, tonight I shall apply for a credit report.  This is a great idea considering that I have lost track of the number of credit cards in my name.........   Financially competent people should/do apparently do this on a somewhat routine basis...

So, we shall see!  This is day two and even now as I type away I have ebay open in the very next tab and a gigantic mall two easily traversed blocks away.  Oprah give me strength!