Sunday, June 19, 2011

So dangerously close to an overdose!

I feel dizzy, lightheaded, have the chills and hot flashes.  No, I am not referring to any sort of drug induced state...its a bad case of the ebay  consorting with the devil  the ebay.  It has pulled me in with its exciting countdown and the promise of beautiful, coveted things on the cheap/not so cheap/frighteningly high for my bidget. 

I bid a bit too much and really I am preying that people bid on the things that I did...

It is too dangerous to leave me alone with any of the following items: keys (this enables me to access anywhere in the LA area), a phone (it is my direct line to ebay) or a computer.  There are too many ways to get into trouble!!!

I think I need to take a few Aspirin and sleep it is hoping that the ebay will be out of my system in the morning!!!

I was doing so well before the clock struck midnight and my man went to bed.  I had spent all day at home studying math and baking and spent a total of zero dollars.  I have no clue what happened; however I have narrowed it down to two possibilities:  I was either abducted by aliens with a penchant for online shopping or I entered into a carb-induced temporary loss of consciousness and suddenly "awoke" an hour and a half later...Either banana bread or aliens is to blame, in which case I have adhered perfectly to my challenge.  (Yes, I am a sane person and realize that neither instance is likely...but it is late and I think appropriate in the wee morning hours to allow oneself to indulge in the irrational)

Update to come as to whether I go over budget by Sunday and have to beg for money on the street!