I am new to the whole taking photos of myself thing, so forgive the awkward pose.
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Me - Should I get this?
Voice of Reason - No, you will never wear this!
Me - Not true, I so will! Just look at the craftsmanship, name a place I could not wear this!
VOR - Ummmm...Anywhere but the bedroom would probably be
Me - Skrew you, im getting it!
This is the same conversation that I have again and again; though, let me clarify that this conversation never actually occurs outside of the realm of my mind. No thoughts are vocalized unless another human being is around me.
So, that is a positive! I was rational about it, but I still did succumb to the desire to swipe my card. In any case, at least I am set for this year's halloween :)... so if I think about it in that way...this was a real money saver!
More closet confessions to come soon!
On another note, I did not win the majority of my ebay auctions (thank you Oprah, I knew you would not let me down!!!).
I definitely think you are totally right
But then I would not be able to ebay and I would wither and die like a house plant at a frat house.
New spending is as follows:
$ 10 - father's day (I know what you are thinking but no I did not just go super cheap, my parents just had a lot of children thus my portion was minuscule and I cooked)
$ 35 - Sephora - - Father's day present for myself ;)
$ 10 - lunch and coffee break dinero - also bought a coffee for my office husband
$ 25 - gas :(
Add that to the ten from before and I think I am in good shape....until I pay for the things I won on ebay...but why think about today what one knows will not post until tomorrow!